Monday, July 5, 2010

And That Sleep's Ruining Everything!

I'm really worried about my education.
I'm starting to become very lazy and it's something really bad.
I dont even understand what's going on in classes these days and that is not a good sign at all.
I badly want to get to school, but this sleep is spoiling everything for me.

I've set a few targets for myself that i plan to achieve by this week.
I have to get back in track, in school (Before i end up as a Lifeless Loser)
I need to get this Diploma done and over with.
Prove to people my worth and fulfill my parents's expectations of me.
I really should start acting responsible.

& my sister, dearest sister, showed me a really disgusting video of maggots crawling out from a guy's foot.
That was when it hit my head, that my corn hasnt been removed.
And i started feeling this tickling sensation on my foot, like something was moving about.
I dont know, if i was having illusions or what.
But i aint waiting any longer, gonna have it removed.

I've to get back in track and set my mind straight.
No More Fun For You, Guru!
Back to school, exercise and more home time.
& I've to start learning the healthy habit of saving.
I say, but it never happens.

Another compulsory thing that i should start doing, is quiet time as well as ass back in Church!
I guess that i have backslided like really badly.
I dont seem to be doing anything useful.
I have to start doing something about all this.

Anyway, Kristen's birthday was fun, caught up with friends and all.
And my bundle of joy, Adrielle, was there.
So wish i could own her, but her mom would do more than murder me.
Need more time with that cute little cuppycake!