Monday, June 29, 2009

lIfe anD iT's wOndErs...

wE nEver kNOw wAd lIFe hAs iN sTorE fOr US...
sO mAny thINgS cAn hApPEn wIthIn a mAtTEr iF dAys...
jUZ sO sHOckINg aND iNterEstIng...
bUT tHAt iS lIFe fOr yOU...

wAnNA sURVIVe???
bE sTRonG, nOt gEntlE...
tRusT bUt nOt fuLLy...
kEEp yOUrsElf rEady fOr dISapPOinMEnts, sUDDen sURpRIses aND uNliMIted aMOUnts Of hAppINesS...

cAuse iN thE rOAd oF lIFe...
u nEver kNOw wAd's goNNa hApPEn...
jUZ lIVe yOUr lIfe aS HApPIly aS pOSsiblE...

i lOSt mY hP...
sO dUn cONtact mE...
goTTA sTArt sAvin alL oVEr aGAin...
tHat's lIFe agAin fOR yOU...
wITh a bIT oF mY cArelEssNEss...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

a dAy iN thE lIFe oF ME...

After sO bLOOdy lOng...
aNd sO mUCh oF pLAnNIng tO MEEt aND cAlling iT oFf...
fINalLy HEar iT iS...

i aCtuAlly wAs nOt iN thE mOOd tO go oUt...
bUt i diN wAnNA rUIn thEir dAy...
aND tHE fEEling oF hIdIng YOur sORRoWs aND mAking soMEonE smIle iS jUz sO goOD...

iT wAs jUZ sO nICe tO sEE thEse tWo lOvAbLE sWeEthEarTS...
mEt tHEm aND wEnt tO sWenSens...
jOLenE wAs sUch a dEar aS sHE dRew fOR ME thE goThic cOUple...

tHe dRawIng Is jUz sO sUPErb...
wE ORdeRed oUR fOOd ...
aND BEgan eAting...
aND lIl mISs jOLenE dEciDed tO HAve HEr fUn bY tAkin fOTos oF mE...
THEre aRE loTsa TErRibLE ONEs bUt i OnI tOOk a fEw...

i kNow i kNOw... TErRibLE eH...

iF thEse aRE bAd, yOU wOUldnT wAnt tO sEe thE rEst...

mE aND lIl jOlsy...

tHE pIG aND mE...!!!

fOllOwiNg tHAt...
i wAntEd tO sEe cHucky...
sO wE wEnt tO thE fIGuriNEs shOp...
HE LOOks dAmn goOD...
bUt tHE pRice iS jUZ tOO eX(935 dOlLarS)...

sO cUTe....

aT lEast i gOt a fOto wIth hIm...

fOlLowing thAt...
wE wEnt tO HEEreNS...
aND jOlsy wAs sTiLL sNApPIn aWay...
aNd GUEsS wAd...
wE LAy ON thE fLOOr anD tOOk sO mAny foTos...

nTh BEta tO dO... HAiz...


wHo kNows wAd tHAt laDy woUld hAVe bEEn thInkINg...

fUck yOU...
eVEntuAllY i HAd tO lEave fOR dAnce pRactiCe...
bUT HAd sO MUch fUn...
tHAnkS tO e twO cRazy iDIots...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

cIndeRelLA rIpPeD mY hEart...

sHe lEft...
lEavIng a hOle iN tHE cEnTre oF mY hEart...
mY dEArest aNGel...
tHE pReciOus gEm whIch wAs oN mY pAlm...
jUZ fElL anD bRoke iNto pIeceS...

tRue yOu gAve ME thE wORd THat yOU wILl BE BAck...
buT kNowiNg tHat yOu aRE tHEre And kNowing THat yOu arE nOt iS tOTalLy diFfereNt thIngS...
nO oNE hAs pUlLEd ME thIS dEEp INto lOVe lIke yOU dEarEst...
tHE GREatESt thIng yOu cAn dO foR ME iS tO tAke goOD cAre oF yOUrseLF anD nOt tO mAke anY nAsty dEciSIonS...

i aM jUz sO soRry...
i dUNNo HOw tO cHAnge mYself...
tHe fAult lIes wIth ME...
thOugh i dEny iT...
i aM uSed tO thIs wAy...
sOrry dEar...

bE BAck sOOn...
wIlL bE wAitinG...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

iS tHAt tHe eND...???...

wEnt fOR a fUneral YEsterdAy...
wAs a tWenty yEar olD giRl's oNe...
tOday iS hEr 21sT bDay...
tHe reAson fOR HEr dEatH???....

iT sEEmS tHAt tHEre wAs thIs gUy...
wHO wAs a dEAd dAmn lOSer...
aNd HE mAde USe oF tHat pOOr GAl...
aND sHE fElL pRey tO him...

sHe rAn aWay fRom HEr hOUse...
aND wAs wIth hIm fOR tWo wEEks...
aND sHE stoLe foR hiM...
aND aLL...
bUt thAt bItch jUZ whAckEd hEr...
aND AbUSed HEr...
tHe rEsult???
sHE jUMped tO HEr dEAth...

IS thIS aLL lIfE iS abOut...
i dUNNo HW cRUel cAn thEse tYPicAl iNDian gUYs BE...
tHE gAl's FAce YEsterdAy inSide tHE cOFfin...
wAs rEalLy tErriBLe...
iTs sTiLL iN MY eYEs...

i JUz hOPe thAt tHE gAl wiLL BE bLEssEd...
aND hEr sOUl wilL rEst iN PEace...
aND i hOpe thAt mOtherFucka gEts wHAt hE dEserVEs...

vIcky i aM dAmn soRry BOut YEstERday...
i dIn eXpect thIs fiGht aT alL...
guEss i rEalLy HUrt yOu...
sOrry da....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

pUre tEndErnEsS....

pUre tEndErnEss...
fOr tHE pAst fEw dAys i HAve bEEn cOMin aCrOSs sO mAny BAbies...
cuTE oNEs...
sOMe rEalLy mIschEiViOUs...

oNe wOrD tO dEscRibE bAbieS...
tHey aRE jUSt sO aDorAble...
pUre aND inNOcEnce aRe thEir BEst fRienDs...
iF oNly thEy knEw wAd wAs coMin uP iN thE nExt fEw yEars...
tHey woUld HAve chOsen tO reMain a bAby...

hAve BEEn sO bUSy...
fRiday sTayed thE nIte oVEr aT eCp...
dRank aBsolUTe mAndarin aND jIM BEam...
anD laY oN thE BeAch...
HEarin tO sONgs...
aNd aFTEr sTayin ovEr...
wAs sO tIRed...
bUt wEnt HOme cHAnged anD cAught dRag mE tO HEll wiTh vIcku...
fOLLowing thAt wEnt fOr a bIrthdAy...
i dIN sLEep foR oVer 30 hrs!!!!

aNd jOLene...
NOt tO wORry...
wE aRe stIlL goNna cAtch dRAg ME to HEll...
yOu aRe rEalLy iN fOR a HElL rIDe...
*sCary fAce*

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i wAnt cHUcky...

i dUNNo wHY...
but suDDenly i gOt thIs cRAzy fEeliNg oF OwNING A cHucky dOlL...
bUt mOSt pLAces dUn sElL iT...
cAnt bElIEve thAt i wAnnA bUy mY nIghtmAre...

i sHOuld BE oUtta mY HEad...
cAlLed tOys R uS YEstErdAy bUt thEy duN HAve thOse dOLlS...
tHAni aND jOLene bOth tOld ME thAT tHEre iS a shOp iN sUNtec THat sElLs thE dOLL...
mUSt gO sEe...

cANt wAit tO oWn oNe...
sUDDenly i fINd cHUcky rEalLy cuTe...

Monday, June 15, 2009


A is for aFiNa (yOu aRE mISseD)

1) Do you love this person?- oF coUrsE!!!
2) Is this person your enemy?- nOPExX... a gReat bUDdy...
3) Would you hug this person?- iN a fRIendly wAy... hEheEhE

A is for aShok aNNae!!!
1) Do you love this person?- dEfiNitely...
2) Is this person your enemy?- nO... a gReat bRo...
3) Would you hug this person?- gLadly...
B is for bUnNy

1) What do you really think of this person?- sHe's mY reTarded YEt aLL tiMe fAv sISta...
2) What’s his/her favorite color?- bLaCk
3) Ever danced with him/her?- mAny MAny tiMes...
C is for cLemEnt...
1) What do you think of this person?- i lIke hIs smIley... i tHInk HE's kINNa cRazy aND cOOl aT e sAme time...
2) How far does this person live?- who kNOws...
3) How old is he/she?- sEventEEn thIs YEar iF i aInt wRong...

D is for dAryl(yOu aRE mISsed tOO:(..)

1) How long have you known him/her?- a yEar thEre... :)
2) Do you like this person?- wHo cAnt HElp lIkiNg thIS reTarded fReak...
3) Do you hate this person?- nO...

E is for eNocH:):):)

1) Have you met his/her parents?- nOpExX... wOuldnt mINd thOugh...
2) Worst thing about this person?- nIl...
3) Best thing about this person?- suPer cAring...

F is for fAirVEEn

1) Have you ever dated this person?- nO... sHE lIkes mY coUSin!!!!
2) When is the next time you will see him/her?- wHo kNows... gOtTA gO tO skOOl...
3) Do you go to school with them?- oNce i gUEsS...

G is for gEoRgE:):):)
1) Have you heard this person sing?- yEs... sO dAmn cUte...
2) What's his/her pet's name?- nO pEts i GUEsS...
3) Will he/she repost this?- hahA... If HE cAn fiND my blOg...

H is for hAniS...
1) Have you met their parents?- no...
2) Worst thing about this person?- HAhA... tOkin nOnsEnse...
3) Best thing about this person?- fRiendLy anD cuTE...

I is for iNdRa:)

1) What is this person's favorite food?- sHe dOEsnt eAt HAlf tHe tIme...
2) How did you meet this person?- sIndA...
3) Do you trust him/her?- oF coURsE!!!

J is for jIviYA:):):) a.K.A. mY bEstIE

1) They have any siblings?- yEs.. a sIstA anD a bRudDer...
2) Do you know their favorite song?- hAhA... tOO MAny tO lISt...
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?- oF cOUrse sHE lIKes ME... MY BEstIe fRendUUu...

J iS fOr jOlene... :):):) anOther beStie!!!!
1) They have any siblings?- nOpeXx...
2) Do you know their favorite song?- oMzg... aLL tHOse MEtal sONgs...
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?- OF cOUrse sHE LOves mE... HEhe:)

K is for kUhan...

1) How old were you when you first met?- hMM... siXtEEn!!!
2) Do you like him/her as a friend?- YEs... mY dEar bRo...
3) Would you go to disney world with this person?- hAha... unLesS yOuw Ant dISney wORld tO tuRn uPsiDe dOWn...

L is for lOgi... :):)
1) Is this person older than you?- yEs bY tWo YEars...
2) Is this person single?- hE's HApPIly TAken bY MY sISta...
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week?- hMm... nOw anD thEn...

M is for mIrna...

1) How old were you when you first met?- sInce tHe tiMe i wAs bOrn...
2) Whats his/hers pets name?- uSed tO BE aShwiN:(
3) Ever danced with this person?- HAha... cAnt iMAginE...
N is for nAskI:)

1) How old were you when you first met the person?- 16...
2) Do you like this person?- a gReat bRo!!!
3) What would you do if you had never met this person?- .....????....

P is for pReEta:):):)
1) Have you been to the mall with this person?- lOAdsa times... hEhEhe...
2) How about a sleepover with them?- gOt sTay OUt whOle nIte bUt nEver a sLEEpoVEr...
3) Does this person have a job?- jObhOpPEr...
R is for rAkeSh
1) Have you heard this person sing?- nEver...
2) Will she/he repost this?- dUn thInk sO...
3) When does this person look best?- hEhEhe... MOst oF e tiMe...

S is for sAsHi:):):)

1) Is this person taller than you?- sAdly nO... Hehehe...
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?- oF cOz... eNTErtAiNEr...
3) Is this person your friend?- nO mY BRo... gOd BRo...

T is for tHani anGEl:):):)<3
1) What grade is this person in?- hAhaha... rEpubLic pOly YEar 1
2) Would you hug this person?- aLL tHe tIMe...
3) Do they live close to you?- qUIte NEar cAn sAy...

U is for uVa aNNAe...
1) How is this person related to you?- mY sYG's bF...
2) Would you hug this person?- YEapsss...
3) Have you met any of his/her family?-yEt tO...

V is for vIcky...:):):):):):)
1) Would you do anything for him/her?- eVerythIng...
2) Do you consider them a friend?- mY CRAzy BRothEr...
3) Have you met any of his/her family?- Yes eXcept tHe eLder BRother...

W is for wilLIams mS
1) Is this person loud or quiet?- cAn geT lOUd...
2) Have you seen this person dance?- nEver... HAhAha...
3) What color eyes does this person have?- bRown i gUEss...

Y is for yNaes aKKa...
1) How old were you when you first met this person?- sO lOng aGo...
2) What do you think of this person?- a nIce sIsta
3) Have you heard this person sing?- nT sURe...

mAny oThers NT MEntiONed bUt i lOVe yOu gUYs aLL thE sAme...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

tRuLy, mAdly, dEeplY...

& i fAlL iN dEEper anD dEEper...
sHe's jUZ mY pErfEct dIAmoNd...
tHE AngeL wHo iS aLwaYz thEre tO bRightEn mY dAy...

i lOVe mY AngeL...
oNly hEr...
fORevEr aND eVEr...

lEave iF yOu wAnt tO...

iF yOu eVEr wAnt tO lEavE...
jUZ dO sO...
i rEalLy lOve yOu...
bUt yOu thInk thAt oNly mY fRenZz aRe iMPortAnt tO ME...

yOu wiLl nEver eVEr kNow hOw mUch yOu meAn tO mE...
yOu aRe lIkE a sTAr wHIch sHInes sO sPArklIngly iN mY eYes...
tHe oNly oUtstAndIng oNE...

wHy cAnt yOu eVEr sEe hOW mUch i lOVe yOU...
sTop thInkIng sO nEgatiVely...
iF i sAy i lOve YOu...
i MEan iT...
sO unDersTAnd tHAt fAcT...

iF yOU rEalLy fEEl tHAt yOu cAnnOt pUt uP wiTh ME...
aNd thAt i aM a f****** pAin iN yOUr aSs...
thEn lEave...
i gIVe yOU alL thE riGht...

aND tO alL thOSe tEEns wHo thInk thAt lIfe iS sUch a bITch....
thInk cArefuLLy...
dID yOUr lIFe eND uP lIKe thAt...
oR diD u guYs MAke IT tO BE thAt wAy...
sTop shOvin blAmes aND lOOk cArefuLly...
yOU oNly gEt oNE lIFe...
lIve hApPIly....
& nOt wiTh rEgreTs, aNGer aND sAdneSs...

Monday, June 8, 2009

a sMaLl sEcREt...

aM sO uNSure oN wAd tO bLog aBout...
sO HEre iT iS...
a sMalL sEcrEt tO mY rEadeRs...

hAs aNyoNe evEr hAd a cHildHOoD nIghtmAre...???
wElL mY aNSweR tO thIs qUestiOn iS thE pICturE abOvE...
aFter wAtchIng hIS sEriEs...
sEeD oF chUcky, cHilD's plAy aND bRide oF cHUcky...
i sTarTEd gEtTing iLLusiOns oF cHUCky wHErEver i wEnt...
fRom tHe aGE oF eIght(i gUEsS) i sTArtEd hAting chUcky...
sTiLL gIves mE thE crEEpS...

nIWaEs yEstERday aLOne i mAnAged tO cAtch tWo mOvies...
nIghT aT thE MUsEum 2 aND aNGels aNd dEmONS...
wEnt fOr aNGels aND dEmoNS wITh mY BAby...
sO mUch fUn...
goIng fOr a mOvie wIth vICky...
wAs JUZ sO OuTTa sUDDen...
nIghT aT tHe mUSeum 2 wAs reAlLy coMical...

dRag mE tO HElL iS oUt...
cAnt wAit tO cAtch tHAt mOvie...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

lOng tIMe lAter...

iT wAs jUZ lIKE thE pAst...
gOin OUt tOgethA...

gOt a hAircuT tODay....
fEElin sO iRRitAted...
oN sAturDay...
i wEnt fOr my fREnZZz bDay pArty...

aND wHO dEciDed tO tUrn uP bUt mR. kUmaRan aND mR. jP...
sO hAppY tO sEE thOse tWo mOnkEys...
aFTEr thAt bDay wE wEnt tO bP cArpArk tO mEEt a fEw otHErs...
foLLowiNg thAt, wE lEft fOr hOMe...
vIcky aND jP wEnt tO kUmaRan's hOUse...
i aND jIv wEnt tO sAngee'S hOUse...

i aND jIVi jUZ coUldnt gO tO sLEEp aND wE sTArted tOKin...
oNi aT 4.30am wE sURRendEred...

wOke uP aT tEn...
gOt rEady...
aND lEft fOr mY BAby's hOUse...
sO HApPy...
gOt soMe roSes fOr thE thReE pRincEssEs iN thE hOuse...

tHe mnOther cOOked rEallY eXceLLEnt stUff...
tHanks sO mUch mUMmy...
THe gRoup...
sAnGEe anD pReEtzZz
ME anD sAngEE

Friday, June 5, 2009

oUt wIth tWo fAv bEstIEs...

wAdeVA iT iS...
BEin wITh tWo oF thEse lIl cHipmUnks jUz mAkEs mY dAy...
wOke UP, gOt REAdy aNd lEft fOr viCky'S hOUSe...
tHank gOd i HAd mY hP fOr coMpAny...
gOt THEre aND wEnt fOr a nICe sMOke...
thEn gOt uP tO vIcky'S hOUse...
tHE uSual fOrmalIties...
aFter THat, wE wEnt tO fEtCh jIvi...
eNDed uP aT yIShun THEatRE...
gOt tiCkets tO SARVAM!!!!
wAs sO hApPy...
bUt tHE mOvie wAs a LIl dISapPoiNting...
hOwever, tHE sOngs wEre hApPEniNg...
In thE THeAtre, wE JUZ MAde sO mUch nOIse...
pEoPLE wOuld HAve thOught ThAt wE weRe a nUisAnce...

aFTEr tHAt, wE wEnt tO GEyLAng BAhru riVerpOInt...
iT wAs JUz sO nICe...
aND gUEsS wAd...
aFTer sO lOng, i PLayed hOpsCotch...
iN thE eND, LEft fOr hOMe aT 10.30...
sAd eH...
bUt jUZ HAd sO MUch fUn...
tHanks sO mUch gUYs fOR MAkin MY dAy...
BEfoRe rUnnIng iNtO thE tHeAtre...
i LIke thE wAy tHE fOto tUrneD oUt...
mE anD vICku!!!!
JIvi mODelLin oNCe aGAin...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

nEver a lOSer...

cHAnge yOur mINdSet guRu...
yOu reAlly nEEda cHAnGE iT...
cAuse yOu aRe nOt a lOSer...
aND yoU wiLL bE NEver mAde oNE...

tREasuRe thOSe wHO reAlli lOve yOu lOTs...
aND gEt rId oF thOSe wAstREls wHo aRE jUZ tRyin tO mAke uSe oF yOU...
yOu wiLl nEver bE tAken aDvanTAge OFf...

sO bYE tO aLL tHE ******* wHo hAve JUz tRIed tO MAke mY lIFe hOrrIBle...

aND tHAnks tO bUnny, uVa, tUrcA fOr coMin tO Bb tO chEEr mE uP...
lOve yOu gUYs lOTs...
eNJoyEd aT bB nAture REservE...
nOt foRgEttIn mY BAbylOvExX...