Monday, June 29, 2009
lIfe anD iT's wOndErs...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
a dAy iN thE lIFe oF ME...
After sO bLOOdy lOng...
aNd sO mUCh oF pLAnNIng tO MEEt aND cAlling iT oFf...
fINalLy HEar iT iS...
i aCtuAlly wAs nOt iN thE mOOd tO go oUt...
bUt i diN wAnNA rUIn thEir dAy...
aND tHE fEEling oF hIdIng YOur sORRoWs aND mAking soMEonE smIle iS jUz sO goOD...
iT wAs jUZ sO nICe tO sEE thEse tWo lOvAbLE sWeEthEarTS...
mEt tHEm aND wEnt tO sWenSens...
jOLenE wAs sUch a dEar aS sHE dRew fOR ME thE goThic cOUple...
tHe dRawIng Is jUz sO sUPErb...
wE ORdeRed oUR fOOd ...
aND BEgan eAting...
aND lIl mISs jOLenE dEciDed tO HAve HEr fUn bY tAkin fOTos oF mE...
THEre aRE loTsa TErRibLE ONEs bUt i OnI tOOk a fEw...
i kNow i kNOw... TErRibLE eH...
iF thEse aRE bAd, yOU wOUldnT wAnt tO sEe thE rEst...
mE aND lIl jOlsy...
tHE pIG aND mE...!!!
fOllOwiNg tHAt...
i wAntEd tO sEe cHucky...
sO wE wEnt tO thE fIGuriNEs shOp...
HE LOOks dAmn goOD...
bUt tHE pRice iS jUZ tOO eX(935 dOlLarS)...
sO cUTe....
aT lEast i gOt a fOto wIth hIm...
fOlLowing thAt...
wE wEnt tO HEEreNS...
aND jOlsy wAs sTiLL sNApPIn aWay...
aNd GUEsS wAd...
wE LAy ON thE fLOOr anD tOOk sO mAny foTos...
nTh BEta tO dO... HAiz...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
cIndeRelLA rIpPeD mY hEart...
sHe lEft...
lEavIng a hOle iN tHE cEnTre oF mY hEart...
mY dEArest aNGel...
tHE pReciOus gEm whIch wAs oN mY pAlm...
jUZ fElL anD bRoke iNto pIeceS...
tRue yOu gAve ME thE wORd THat yOU wILl BE BAck...
buT kNowiNg tHat yOu aRE tHEre And kNowing THat yOu arE nOt iS tOTalLy diFfereNt thIngS...
nO oNE hAs pUlLEd ME thIS dEEp INto lOVe lIke yOU dEarEst...
tHE GREatESt thIng yOu cAn dO foR ME iS tO tAke goOD cAre oF yOUrseLF anD nOt tO mAke anY nAsty dEciSIonS...
i aM jUz sO soRry...
i dUNNo HOw tO cHAnge mYself...
tHe fAult lIes wIth ME...
thOugh i dEny iT...
i aM uSed tO thIs wAy...
sOrry dEar...
bE BAck sOOn...
wIlL bE wAitinG...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
iS tHAt tHe eND...???...
wEnt fOR a fUneral YEsterdAy...
wAs a tWenty yEar olD giRl's oNe...
tOday iS hEr 21sT bDay...
tHe reAson fOR HEr dEatH???....
iT sEEmS tHAt tHEre wAs thIs gUy...
wHO wAs a dEAd dAmn lOSer...
aNd HE mAde USe oF tHat pOOr GAl...
aND sHE fElL pRey tO him...
sHe rAn aWay fRom HEr hOUse...
aND wAs wIth hIm fOR tWo wEEks...
aND sHE stoLe foR hiM...
aND aLL...
bUt thAt bItch jUZ whAckEd hEr...
aND AbUSed HEr...
tHe rEsult???
sHE jUMped tO HEr dEAth...
IS thIS aLL lIfE iS abOut...
i dUNNo HW cRUel cAn thEse tYPicAl iNDian gUYs BE...
tHE gAl's FAce YEsterdAy inSide tHE cOFfin...
wAs rEalLy tErriBLe...
iTs sTiLL iN MY eYEs...
i JUz hOPe thAt tHE gAl wiLL BE bLEssEd...
aND hEr sOUl wilL rEst iN PEace...
aND i hOpe thAt mOtherFucka gEts wHAt hE dEserVEs...
vIcky i aM dAmn soRry BOut YEstERday...
i dIn eXpect thIs fiGht aT alL...
guEss i rEalLy HUrt yOu...
sOrry da....
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
pUre tEndErnEsS....
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
i wAnt cHUcky...
i dUNNo wHY...
but suDDenly i gOt thIs cRAzy fEeliNg oF OwNING A cHucky dOlL...
bUt mOSt pLAces dUn sElL iT...
cAnt bElIEve thAt i wAnnA bUy mY nIghtmAre...
i sHOuld BE oUtta mY HEad...
cAlLed tOys R uS YEstErdAy bUt thEy duN HAve thOse dOLlS...
tHAni aND jOLene bOth tOld ME thAT tHEre iS a shOp iN sUNtec THat sElLs thE dOLL...
mUSt gO sEe...
cANt wAit tO oWn oNe...
sUDDenly i fINd cHUcky rEalLy cuTe...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
A is for aFiNa (yOu aRE mISseD)
2) Is this person your enemy?- nO... a gReat bRo...
2) What’s his/her favorite color?- bLaCk
3) Ever danced with him/her?- mAny MAny tiMes...
3) Do you hate this person?- nO...
2) What's his/her pet's name?- nO pEts i GUEsS...
2) Worst thing about this person?- HAhA... tOkin nOnsEnse...
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?- oF cOUrse sHE lIKes ME... MY BEstIe fRendUUu...
3) When does this person look best?- hEhEhe... MOst oF e tiMe...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
tRuLy, mAdly, dEeplY...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 10:35 PM 0 comments
lEave iF yOu wAnt tO...
iF yOu eVEr wAnt tO lEavE...
jUZ dO sO...
i rEalLy lOve yOu...
bUt yOu thInk thAt oNly mY fRenZz aRe iMPortAnt tO ME...
yOu wiLl nEver eVEr kNow hOw mUch yOu meAn tO mE...
yOu aRe lIkE a sTAr wHIch sHInes sO sPArklIngly iN mY eYes...
tHe oNly oUtstAndIng oNE...
wHy cAnt yOu eVEr sEe hOW mUch i lOVe yOU...
sTop thInkIng sO nEgatiVely...
iF i sAy i lOve YOu...
i MEan iT...
sO unDersTAnd tHAt fAcT...
iF yOU rEalLy fEEl tHAt yOu cAnnOt pUt uP wiTh ME...
aNd thAt i aM a f****** pAin iN yOUr aSs...
thEn lEave...
i gIVe yOU alL thE riGht...
aND tO alL thOSe tEEns wHo thInk thAt lIfe iS sUch a bITch....
thInk cArefuLLy...
dID yOUr lIFe eND uP lIKe thAt...
oR diD u guYs MAke IT tO BE thAt wAy...
sTop shOvin blAmes aND lOOk cArefuLly...
yOU oNly gEt oNE lIFe...
lIve hApPIly....
& nOt wiTh rEgreTs, aNGer aND sAdneSs...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
a sMaLl sEcREt...
goIng fOr a mOvie wIth vICky...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
lOng tIMe lAter...
gOin OUt tOgethA...
gOt a hAircuT tODay....
fEElin sO iRRitAted...
oN sAturDay...
i wEnt fOr my fREnZZz bDay pArty...
aND wHO dEciDed tO tUrn uP bUt mR. kUmaRan aND mR. jP...
sO hAppY tO sEE thOse tWo mOnkEys...
aFTEr thAt bDay wE wEnt tO bP cArpArk tO mEEt a fEw otHErs...
foLLowiNg thAt, wE lEft fOr hOMe...
vIcky aND jP wEnt tO kUmaRan's hOUse...
i aND jIv wEnt tO sAngee'S hOUse...
i aND jIVi jUZ coUldnt gO tO sLEEp aND wE sTArted tOKin...
oNi aT 4.30am wE sURRendEred...
wOke uP aT tEn...
gOt rEady...
aND lEft fOr mY BAby's hOUse...
sO HApPy...
gOt soMe roSes fOr thE thReE pRincEssEs iN thE hOuse...
tHe mnOther cOOked rEallY eXceLLEnt stUff...
tHanks sO mUch mUMmy...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
oUt wIth tWo fAv bEstIEs...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
nEver a lOSer...
yOu reAlly nEEda cHAnGE iT...
cAuse yOu aRe nOt a lOSer...
aND yoU wiLL bE NEver mAde oNE...
tREasuRe thOSe wHO reAlli lOve yOu lOTs...
aND gEt rId oF thOSe wAstREls wHo aRE jUZ tRyin tO mAke uSe oF yOU...
yOu wiLl nEver bE tAken aDvanTAge OFf...
sO bYE tO aLL tHE ******* wHo hAve JUz tRIed tO MAke mY lIFe hOrrIBle...
aND tHAnks tO bUnny, uVa, tUrcA fOr coMin tO Bb tO chEEr mE uP...
lOve yOu gUYs lOTs...
eNJoyEd aT bB nAture REservE...
nOt foRgEttIn mY BAbylOvExX...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 8:40 AM 0 comments