wAdeVA iT iS...
BEin wITh tWo oF thEse lIl cHipmUnks jUz mAkEs mY dAy...
wOke UP, gOt REAdy aNd lEft fOr viCky'S hOUSe...
tHank gOd i HAd mY hP fOr coMpAny...
gOt THEre aND wEnt fOr a nICe sMOke...
thEn gOt uP tO vIcky'S hOUse...
tHE uSual fOrmalIties...
aFter THat, wE wEnt tO fEtCh jIvi...
eNDed uP aT yIShun THEatRE...
gOt tiCkets tO SARVAM!!!!
wAs sO hApPy...
bUt tHE mOvie wAs a LIl dISapPoiNting...
hOwever, tHE sOngs wEre hApPEniNg...
In thE THeAtre, wE JUZ MAde sO mUch nOIse...
pEoPLE wOuld HAve thOught ThAt wE weRe a nUisAnce...
aFTEr tHAt, wE wEnt tO GEyLAng BAhru riVerpOInt...
iT wAs JUz sO nICe...
aND gUEsS wAd...
aFTer sO lOng, i PLayed hOpsCotch...
iN thE eND, LEft fOr hOMe aT 10.30...
sAd eH...
bUt jUZ HAd sO MUch fUn...
tHanks sO mUch gUYs fOR MAkin MY dAy...
BEfoRe rUnnIng iNtO thE tHeAtre...
i LIke thE wAy tHE fOto tUrneD oUt...
mE anD vICku!!!!
JIvi mODelLin oNCe aGAin...
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