aM sO uNSure oN wAd tO bLog aBout...
sO HEre iT iS...
a sMalL sEcrEt tO mY rEadeRs...
hAs aNyoNe evEr hAd a cHildHOoD nIghtmAre...???
wElL mY aNSweR tO thIs qUestiOn iS thE pICturE abOvE...
aFter wAtchIng hIS sEriEs...
sEeD oF chUcky, cHilD's plAy aND bRide oF cHUcky...
i sTarTEd gEtTing iLLusiOns oF cHUCky wHErEver i wEnt...
fRom tHe aGE oF eIght(i gUEsS) i sTArtEd hAting chUcky...
sTiLL gIves mE thE crEEpS...
nIWaEs yEstERday aLOne i mAnAged tO cAtch tWo mOvies...
nIghT aT thE MUsEum 2 aND aNGels aNd dEmONS...
wEnt fOr aNGels aND dEmoNS wITh mY BAby...
sO mUch fUn...
goIng fOr a mOvie wIth vICky...
goIng fOr a mOvie wIth vICky...
wAs JUZ sO OuTTa sUDDen...
nIghT aT tHe mUSeum 2 wAs reAlLy coMical...
dRag mE tO HElL iS oUt...
cAnt wAit tO cAtch tHAt mOvie...
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