A is for aFiNa (yOu aRE mISseD)
1) Do you love this person?- oF coUrsE!!!
2) Is this person your enemy?- nOPExX... a gReat bUDdy...
3) Would you hug this person?- iN a fRIendly wAy... hEheEhE
A is for aShok aNNae!!!
1) Do you love this person?- dEfiNitely...
2) Is this person your enemy?- nO... a gReat bRo...
2) Is this person your enemy?- nO... a gReat bRo...
3) Would you hug this person?- gLadly...
B is for bUnNy
1) What do you really think of this person?- sHe's mY reTarded YEt aLL tiMe fAv sISta...
2) What’s his/her favorite color?- bLaCk
3) Ever danced with him/her?- mAny MAny tiMes...
2) What’s his/her favorite color?- bLaCk
3) Ever danced with him/her?- mAny MAny tiMes...
C is for cLemEnt...
1) What do you think of this person?- i lIke hIs smIley... i tHInk HE's kINNa cRazy aND cOOl aT e sAme time...
2) How far does this person live?- who kNOws...
3) How old is he/she?- sEventEEn thIs YEar iF i aInt wRong...
D is for dAryl(yOu aRE mISsed tOO:(..)
1) How long have you known him/her?- a yEar thEre... :)
2) Do you like this person?- wHo cAnt HElp lIkiNg thIS reTarded fReak...
3) Do you hate this person?- nO...
3) Do you hate this person?- nO...
E is for eNocH:):):)
1) Have you met his/her parents?- nOpExX... wOuldnt mINd thOugh...
2) Worst thing about this person?- nIl...
3) Best thing about this person?- suPer cAring...
F is for fAirVEEn
1) Have you ever dated this person?- nO... sHE lIkes mY coUSin!!!!
2) When is the next time you will see him/her?- wHo kNows... gOtTA gO tO skOOl...
3) Do you go to school with them?- oNce i gUEsS...
G is for gEoRgE:):):)
1) Have you heard this person sing?- yEs... sO dAmn cUte...
2) What's his/her pet's name?- nO pEts i GUEsS...
2) What's his/her pet's name?- nO pEts i GUEsS...
3) Will he/she repost this?- hahA... If HE cAn fiND my blOg...
H is for hAniS...
1) Have you met their parents?- no...
2) Worst thing about this person?- HAhA... tOkin nOnsEnse...
2) Worst thing about this person?- HAhA... tOkin nOnsEnse...
3) Best thing about this person?- fRiendLy anD cuTE...
I is for iNdRa:)
1) What is this person's favorite food?- sHe dOEsnt eAt HAlf tHe tIme...
2) How did you meet this person?- sIndA...
3) Do you trust him/her?- oF coURsE!!!
J is for jIviYA:):):) a.K.A. mY bEstIE
2) Do you know their favorite song?- hAhA... tOO MAny tO lISt...
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?- oF cOUrse sHE lIKes ME... MY BEstIe fRendUUu...
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?- oF cOUrse sHE lIKes ME... MY BEstIe fRendUUu...
J iS fOr jOlene... :):):) anOther beStie!!!!
1) They have any siblings?- nOpeXx...
2) Do you know their favorite song?- oMzg... aLL tHOse MEtal sONgs...
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?- OF cOUrse sHE LOves mE... HEhe:)
K is for kUhan...
2) Do you like him/her as a friend?- YEs... mY dEar bRo...
3) Would you go to disney world with this person?- hAha... unLesS yOuw Ant dISney wORld tO tuRn uPsiDe dOWn...
L is for lOgi... :):)
1) Is this person older than you?- yEs bY tWo YEars...
2) Is this person single?- hE's HApPIly TAken bY MY sISta...
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week?- hMm... nOw anD thEn...
M is for mIrna...
1) How old were you when you first met?- sInce tHe tiMe i wAs bOrn...
2) Whats his/hers pets name?- uSed tO BE aShwiN:(
3) Ever danced with this person?- HAha... cAnt iMAginE...
N is for nAskI:)
1) How old were you when you first met the person?- 16...
2) Do you like this person?- a gReat bRo!!!
3) What would you do if you had never met this person?- .....????....
P is for pReEta:):):)
1) Have you been to the mall with this person?- lOAdsa times... hEhEhe...
2) How about a sleepover with them?- gOt sTay OUt whOle nIte bUt nEver a sLEEpoVEr...
3) Does this person have a job?- jObhOpPEr...
R is for rAkeSh
1) Have you heard this person sing?- nEver...
2) Will she/he repost this?- dUn thInk sO...
3) When does this person look best?- hEhEhe... MOst oF e tiMe...
3) When does this person look best?- hEhEhe... MOst oF e tiMe...
S is for sAsHi:):):)
1) Is this person taller than you?- sAdly nO... Hehehe...
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her?- oF cOz... eNTErtAiNEr...
3) Is this person your friend?- nO mY BRo... gOd BRo...
T is for tHani anGEl:):):)<3
1) What grade is this person in?- hAhaha... rEpubLic pOly YEar 1
2) Would you hug this person?- aLL tHe tIMe...
3) Do they live close to you?- qUIte NEar cAn sAy...
U is for uVa aNNAe...
1) How is this person related to you?- mY sYG's bF...
2) Would you hug this person?- YEapsss...
3) Have you met any of his/her family?-yEt tO...
V is for vIcky...:):):):):):)
1) Would you do anything for him/her?- eVerythIng...
2) Do you consider them a friend?- mY CRAzy BRothEr...
3) Have you met any of his/her family?- Yes eXcept tHe eLder BRother...
W is for wilLIams mS
1) Is this person loud or quiet?- cAn geT lOUd...
2) Have you seen this person dance?- nEver... HAhAha...
3) What color eyes does this person have?- bRown i gUEss...
Y is for yNaes aKKa...
1) How old were you when you first met this person?- sO lOng aGo...
2) What do you think of this person?- a nIce sIsta
3) Have you heard this person sing?- nT sURe...
mAny oThers NT MEntiONed bUt i lOVe yOu gUYs aLL thE sAme...
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