tHanks sO MUch fOR uR cAre MOM...
aLWays lOVe yOu...
Unveiling All The Memories...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 8:28 AM 0 comments
My fiRst lOVe...
tHe oNe wHO i fIRst nOticEd aND chOSe...
iTs BEEn oVeR a YEar...
bUt i HAve nOt foRgoTTen...
hOw yOu bIt mY eYE...
hOw yOu KNew wHen i wAs sAd...
hOw YOur smOOth fUr GAve mE sO MUch coMfoRt...
HOw i USed tO cRY mYself tO slEEp oN yoU...
yEt YOu wEre sO PAtIEnt aNd uNDersTandiNg...
tHe tiMes yOu USed tO BIte oUr mOm wHen shE chAsed after mE wiTh a bRooM...
THe tiMes wHEre i mISSed YOu fOr thRee dAys...
tHe 3 dAys YOu LEft mE aLOne IN thIs cRUel woRld...
aND yOu Came BAck lImPIng towArds ME...
i wEnt cRazy wiTh HApPINeSs...
mY DEareSt oNE...
THe oNE whO chAsed aFter a bAll aNd bRoughT iT BAck wHenEver i thRew iT...
hOw bOut tHe tIMe yOu aLMost foUght wIth a CAt...
aND im sORry i dRoPPEd YOu ONce aCCidenTalLY aND yOU vOMittEd baDly...
i cAnt fOrgiVe MYself fOr thAt...
but yOu foRgIVed mE...
i'M soRRy MY dEar ONe...
wOnt fORget YOur BIrthdAy tOo...
OctoBer fOUr...
oR yOUr FAvoUritE gLOw BONe...
hOw YOu lOVe tO PLAy wiTh MY FAther...
HOw yOu wAit BY tHE GAte anD lOOk Out fOR mE...
aND THe BAths YOU USed TO HaTE...
tHE CAke thAt yOu shAred wIth mY nEphEw...
The shIrt tHat i TRied pUttIng oN yoU...
aNd yOu KEpt ruNNing aWay...
i alSo wONt foRget thE tiMe yOU aCtuAlLy dAnced...
You kNEw That yOu wEre mY coMfoRt zONe...
aND yOU HAd AlL mY sEcrETs...
YOu PamPEred mE...
yOu BRoughT mE haPPiNEsS...
yOu wEre a lUcky ONe tOO...
yEt HOw cOUld YOu JUz sTEal IT aLL wHEn yOU lEft...
ISnt thAt uNFair tO ME...
i wiLL NEver fORget the LOOk YOu GAve ME...
YOu GAve mE thE LOOk THat tOLd mE yOu aRE goIng tO hOld ON...
yOu Gave ME hOPe...
anD TRUst...
i JUz coULdnt BEar lOOkking aT tHe lIMp bOdy....
dAncing alL oVer thE pLAce...
i cAnt accEpt tHE FAct tHat yOu aRe goNe...
iTs BEEn a YEar...
bUt stILL...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 5:56 PM 0 comments
lAtely wHatevEr i wAnt...
Have BEEn gEttIn eVEry oNe oF thEm...
sHOckin eH...
jUz lAst weEk i wAs tEllIn MYself That THerE aRE sO maNY tHInGs tHat i wAnt....
fIRstly i wAnted a HAversAck...
anD THe NExt dAy MY MOM goT Me ONe...
THat i waNtEd New coNtactS anD a haIr cuT...
goT eM tOO...
aNd i hAve nOt BEEn rEallY goIn BROkE...
AnD I Am GEttING A BiBLE Too...
rEAllY WeIRD....
i GueESs ThAT I hAVE To tHank god fOr thIs...
sO MUch HAs HApPEned thRu hIm...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 10:35 PM 0 comments
tHats mY prOBlem...
i dO soMethiNg wiThout tHInkINg aNd rEgREt iT laTEr...
iN a mOment oRF HAste...
yOu sEe mE cRAckin mY HEAd anD tHiNKin...
gOd pLEase fOrgiVe mE oF alL my sINs...
i Am FEEliN sO TERRibLY gUiLTy...
sO soRRy...
i gOt nEW coNTActs tODay...
lOOKs kINNa cOOl...
i KINNa lIKe iT...
aND alSo gOT a HAir cuT...
mY blONde anD bRown's goNe....
LEft wiTh blAck HAir....
aM dOin MY haIr aSap...
tOday chUrch wAs gREat...
wOrship MAde mE so HApPY...
i NEEd a bIBle...
reAlly reAlly nEEd oNe...
cAnt waIt tO gO tO sEntoSa tOmoRRow...
wAnnA sLeEp ON thE sAnd...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 10:51 AM 0 comments
tHis iS jUZ sO iRRiTAtiNG...
i HAve goNe thRu thIs iSSue wITh vICky i duNNo LIKe ziLLion tiMEs...
aND iT sTIlL dOEsnt enTEr HIs HEad...
aLL HE cAres AbOuT iS enJOYment...
aND wiTHout mONey HE thINKs thAt NOthiNG cAn HAPPen....
tHIs jUZ iRRitAtES tHe fuCk oUt OF ME...
wHY tHE fuCk aRe eVEryONe sO mONey mINded aLL thE tiMe...
iT jUZ gEts tO mY HEad...
mOney IS serIOUsly nOt eVErythinG iN thE woRld..
wHY dOEsnt aNYoNe GEt THt...
oNe MORe tiMe tHIs iS goNNa hApPEn...
i Am NEVEr goNNa eVEr tOk to hIm...
AnYWays, aShok wAs dAmn cOOl wiTh hIs bRos cAr...
cONgRats bRo...
And i goT aN A fOR eNTerpRise sKILLs...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 10:51 PM 0 comments
iN cLAss... bOrEd
iTS tRue...
i aM fEElin sO sICk...
hAvin a BAd flU coNTinuOUsly...
aND a biT OF hEadaChe...
i aM aLSo fEElIn sO tIred...
hOmewoRk eVErydAy...
aNd i Havent goTTen PRoPEr sLEEp...
sO sLEEpy...
i cAnt waIT tO sLEEp...
tOdays LEssOn wAs fUN...
aNd tHe fAci was qUIte oKAy...
wAd elSe...
Raaga tOre hEr sLiPPEr oN tHE wAy tO tHE MRt...
i gOt a nEw hAversaCk...
i NEEd NEw coNTacts...
i wAnt MORe clOthes...
i wAnt a lAptop cAsing...
i wAnNA sKIn mY LaptoP...
aNd MOst oF alL...
i want a pSp...
i NEEd at LEast a tHOusAnD...
eVEn thAt wont BE eNUf...
i dUNNo whY...
JUZ fEElin sO tiRed anD rAndoM...
aNd i fInd lUcky sO cuTe...
lUcky iS rAaga's dOg...
THEre's tHIs guY in mY cLAss cAlLEd cLEment...
i find HIm tO BE VEry fuNNy...
aNd sUPer frEnly...
aNd i fEEl lIke eAting tOm Yam soUp...
wAds wRong wiTh ME...
i duNNo...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 6:57 AM 0 comments
tODay i wOKe uP tO a BAd sTArt...
wAs sO tiRed aNd wAs nOt fEElin goOd at aLL...
aNd tO tOp iT oFf...
i dIn uNDersTAnD a fUck bOut tOdays LEssOn...
sO tiREd...
tHe oNi gOOd thIng wAs THat i gOT tO see sAshi...
aND i gOt a LOllIPop...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 8:31 AM 0 comments
tOday wOke uP tO sUch a nErvOUs sTArt...
bUt mY mOOD gOt chEERED as i wEnt tO skOOl wiTh jIVi...
sHe gOt oFF at bP...
aND i mOVed oN tO wOODlAnds....
aS i thani aND rAaga enTered the eNTrance oF rPUblIc i sTiLL coULDnt BElieVE thAt i wAs sTArtiN skOOl...
wAs sUper dUPer wORRied...
bUt thINgs went oN qUIte weLl...
i mAde qUIte a nuMber oF fRiendS...
a GAl caLLEd rAcHAel chOse tO siT BEsidE mE...
aNdf OMG...
shE IS tAlKAtiVE...
wAy tOO mUCh...
i cAnt HAndlE HEr...
aNd shE remIndEd mE oF ISaBEl...
tHEre wAs JUZ sO mUCh wOrk tO do...
buT i LIke mY cLAsS....
wAs JUZ diSapPOinTed THAt i coUldnt sEE yNAes anD sAshi...
bUt am sEEin sAshi toMORRow...
cAnt wAit...
aM aLSo pISSed oFf wITh tHE INdiAns...
qUIte a nUMber oF THEm aRe sO uNfrIEndly...
hOpe toMORRow gOes weLL...
kINDa eXciTed...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 9:16 AM 0 comments
fiRst dAy oF skOOl....
i duNNo eVen oNe pErsoN iN mY clAss...
thIs iS sO sCrewED...
HoPEfULly I geT a fEw FRenZz...
hAte the iDea oF mAkin fRenzZ oNce aGAin...
hOpeFuLLY tOmORRow goEs wElL....
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 7:23 AM 0 comments
tOday sErvICe wAs jUz sUPerb...
hAd sO mUch fuN...
wIth thE dRama...
aND pAstoR kOng's pReachIng...
eNJOyed mYsElf...
toDay thE toPIc wAs abOut lOve anD mArRiAge...
wAdver pAstOr kOng sAid wAs sO VEry tRue...
thE nEEds oF a MAn aNd wOMan...
rElaTIOnshIPs anD lOVe BUsTErs...
anD thAt IS whEn i rEalISed i hAve bEEn uNfaIr tO tHani....
buT i REaLLy duN wAnnA change MYsElF...
i duNNO whY...
i fEel tHat thIs iS the tIMe tHat i cAn HAve wIth mY fRienDs...
aNd i sEE tHani aS mY LIfe GAl....
aND sO i wiLL Be sPEndiN mY lIFe wiTh HEr...
aND sO i dUn sEE whY i shOUld BE coNtrOlLEd oR aNYthiNG aT THIs aGE...
i KNow iT IS VEry HUrtIng fOR HEr...
bUt mY THInkIN iS JUz sO diFFerEnt...
i aM sO sORRy sWeeTHEart...
i lOVe yOu LOTSs...
hOPefuLLy u uNDerStand mY VIEws....
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 9:58 AM 0 comments
tHE wORd fRiEnds...
whAt aRe FRienDs...
sOMeoNE wHO cOMfoRts yOU....
sOMEoNE thEre fOr yOU doIng tIMes oF tRoUbLe...
aND mOSt imPOrtAntly soMeoNE whO unDeRStanD aND kNOws yOU...
iT iS a wOndEr aT tImes...
hOw wE sO eAsilY tRust OUr fRenZ oN tOP oF oUr PAreNTs...
the aNSwEr iS NEver kNOwn...
tHInkIN BAck tO thE PAst...
i HAd Never hAd PRoPEr fRenZz iN PRiMAry skOOl...
i wiLL bE aLL tO mYsElf...
sEcoNDary sKOOl oPEnEd uP MY lIFe anD sOCial ciRclE...
i HAve MEt tHE mOSt fRiendlIEst aND cAriNg fRenzZz...
tO thE wORst sORt oF pEopLE...
bUt tHru iT alL...
tHEre aRE thOse fEw wHO HAve BEEn wIth ME alL thE wAy...
mY FRIendS HAve REalLY THoUght mE hOw tO sTREngTHen mYSelF...
hAve lOAds oF fUn...
aND aLSo sHOweD mE tHe sTruGGLes oF lIFe...
iN thE hArd wAy OR tHe nICe wAy...
iN thE eND...
i JUZ wAnNA sAy THanks tO alL mY dEar FREnZZ...
yOu GUYs aRE nEver fOrgOttEn...
aNd wILL aLWays sTAy iN MY HEart....
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 10:05 AM 0 comments
And YEs tHAts wAd wE dID...
FREak oUT!!!...
mE, vICky, THani, NAziaH aND bUNNy...
wAs jUz tHE fiVE oF uS...
BUT HAd sO MUch fuN aFTEr a lONg lOng tiME...
i wOKe UP wITh THE fEElin thAt aLL wILL rUIn tHE dAy...
bUt nO...
eVEryONe eLSe wAs aLso aWake...
aND beFore wE kNEw IT...
wE HAd bOught aLL thE sTUFf...
aND eNDed uP aT pAlAwAn beACH.,...
BuIldING THe teNT WaS The DiffICUlT paRT...
We SuffEreD buT It paID ofF...
TheN We StaRteD SwImmiNG...
And We ClimBED RocKS...
And pLaYeD CraZY gaMES...
AftER THaT We StARteD DrInkING...
The AmoUNT of NonSEnsE We Did...
BUt WaS So FUN...
And I Am SupER haPpy....
thaNKS So MucH GUys...
FoToS WilL cOMe soOn...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 10:41 PM 0 comments
jUZ fEElin sO iRRiTAtEd...
aNd sCAreD tHat tOmORRow wOnt BE a suCCesS...
hOPefuLLy iT wiLL BE...
sO blOODy sCAred...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 6:43 AM 0 comments
aFter sO lOng i pLAyeD iN thE raIn...
I WeNT So hyPeR....
I juZ COulDNT StOp LaUGHing...
wAs sO HAPPy...
i aLso pIGGEd oUt lIke cRazy...
cHIcKEn rICe...
chEesY hoTdOg...
cuRRy pUfF...
cHEEsy fRies...
fRieD bRowNIes wIth iCe CREam...
aND i sAw sUch a BEAutiFul kITTen...
i nOrmaLLy hAte KITTenS...
bUt thIs cuTIe wAs jUz sO hAiz...
coULdnt gEt mY eYEs oFF iT...
iT wAs sLEEpin oN mY LAp fOr sUPer lOng...
qUiTE hApPY toDay...
aND i aLso wAnt tO TAke thIs tIMe tO sEnD a sMalL pOSt tO mY fRiend...
dUn wORRy abOut yOur gRandmOther...
tAke cAre oF yOUrsElf...
gOD wIlL bLEss HEr...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 10:34 AM 0 comments
gOOd fRidAy...
cAn sAy iT wEnt qUitE wElL...
wEnt tO chUrch iN thE mOrnINg...
HAd sO mUCh fUN....
enJoYed sEEing pREetA dAnce...
aND i gOt tO sEE a fEw pPl i wAnTEd tO sEe...
THen i wEnT hOME tO cHAnge wIth vIcKy....
i bEt THAt hE wAs hApPY tO BE iN mY hOUSe...
THen wE wEnt tO HAvE a sMAll LUNch...
sURpRisiNGly wE bOught tHe sAme foOD...
gReeN TEa And pOpIAh...
bOth wEre nOt fEeling huNgry...
tHen wE wEnt tO sAnGEETha hOUse...
aND HEma aUnty dEmanDed tO waTch aYAn...
sO aLL oF uS wEre oKay...
i aND vICky wEnt tO bOOk tiCkets...
iT wAs aLMost fUlL...
anD thE shOWs wEre sOld OUt...
oNly tHe eIght fiFtEEn HAd a fEw sEAts...
wE bOUght nInetEEn sEats...
aT NIghT alL wEnt fOr thE mOVie....
sAd tHat jIvi anD pREEtz cOULdnt maKE iT...
hOPe tHEir gRandMA iS OKAy...
FEEl sO BAd fOR thEm...
IN oVErAlll...
goOD frIDay wAs gOOd...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 9:12 AM 0 comments
mY pReciOUs lIl bLOg...
sOMEthINg lIKe a dIAry...
wHEre i cAn pEn dOWn aLL mY fEEliNGs aND thOughtS...
i sO lOVe mY bLOg...
tHAnKS fOr sTAndINg aLL mY NONsENsE...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 8:25 PM 0 comments
iT HAs BEEn sIX mOnthS...
hOWeVEr iT fEelS mORe lIKE sIX dAys....
aLL thE cUTe lIL fIGhTS...
sOMe TEarS....
lOTsa sMILesS...
hOLdINg ON....
BAby i lOVe YOU...
THIs sIx mONthS hAs PAsSeD sUPer FAst...
aND i aM pRoud tO sAy tHAt yOU aRE MINe...
lIL cUPcAke...
yOu aRE aLWays tREAsURed bY ME...
aND i lOVe yOU lOTS...
i sTiLL rEmMEbEr tHE mEMORIes...
a yEar PLUS BAck...
aLL thE nONSeNSe wE cAme uP wiTH....
aND iN tHE eND...
hEre iT IS....
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 7:34 PM 0 comments
i rEalISe THat i aM lOSing tOO mUCh oF mYSeLF...
iT iS lIKe aS iF i aM sOMeoNE eLSe...
i dUn fEEl lIKE mYSeLF aT aLL...
wHEre wAs tHAt INNocEnt bOY wHO dIDnt KNOw AnyTHIng...
aND HEld oNtO hIS bOth lOVaBlE PAreNTs fOR suPPOrt...
HE HAs JUZ dISaPPEarEd iNto tHE wINd...
aND hEre iS thIs sTOne-hEaRtEd fUCker wHO thINks hE iS cOOl nOW...
i aM jUZ LYIng tO mYSElf...
thIs iSnt mE...
iT cAnt BE mE...
i jUZ waNT tO tURn bAck tHE tiME tO lIKE wHEn i wAs sEcoNDary oNE...
i MIS sEc oNE aND tWo sO MUch...
wE wErE aLL jUZ sO UNitEd...
thOSe mEmORiEs wILL NEvEr eVEr coME BAck...
aND wORSt OFF...
i MISs yOU MURali...
i duNNo hOW i aM goNNa dRivE oNE MONth...
i rEalLY wAnt tO gO tO chURch....
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 9:20 AM 0 comments
i jUz woNDer iN amUSemEnt...
aT HOW MUCh cAn HApPEn iN a wEEk...
mIChElLE GEts a NEw bF...
jIvi gEts a nEw foNE...
i tURn oUt tO bE tHE bIGGEst fOOl fOR apRil fIRst...
sAnGEETha eNDs uP siNGle...
jOLeNE iS hAviN PRoBLEms...
mE anD thAni fIGhtiNg...
aND bAdly...
mURali goEs iNto lOCkuP:(
MY dEarESt mURalithArAn...
i sO PRay tHAt yOu dUN GEt iNto bOYs hOMe...
eVEn thOUgh wE mIght NOt bE aS clOSe aS lAst tIMe...
i jUz cAnt acCept THE FAct tHaT sOMethINg LIKE thAt shOULd hApPEn tO yoU...
yOU HAve dONE a lOt fOR aLL oF uS...
aND i LOve YOU LOTs bRo...
pLEasE bE aLRight anD HAng iN thEre...
gOD wiLL dO a mIRaclE...
aM sURe...
tOdAy i eNDed uP sEEin MY sWeEtcHUms aND wE HAd a HElL of a tIMe iN HEr HOuSe...
vICky aND hIS NONSeNSe wAs aN aDDitiOn tOO...
mISSed dIViYA lOAds tOO...
hApPy tO sEe hEr...
i JUZ hOPe thAt aPril wILL BE a gOOD mONth...
Posted by Gurumurthi Ramalengam at 10:00 AM 0 comments