tOday's pOSt wAs bRought tO mY inTErest bY mY clOSe fRen aND coUSin...
NExt uP....
i dUn wAnnA sAy oUT NAmes...
bUt i FeEl thAt thIs pOSt iS reAllY iMPortAnt...
fLowers oF thE wORld...
tHe oNEs whO pLay a bIg pArt IN MEn's lIFe...
i JUsT woNDer....
How sOme cRuel HEarTs tRy tO dEstRoy thIs bEautiNEss oF womEn...
I hAve nOt BEEn fEElin cOmfoRtAble evEr sINce i hEard tHE stOry thAt mY fRiend tOld mE toDay...
mINd yOU iTS a tRUe sTOry...
iTs abOut thIs GAl whO wAs CRAzilY in Love wITh tHIs gUY...
sHE gavE hIM HEr alL...
hOWever, HE pLAyed hEr oUt...
hE abUSed HEr...
aND MAde USe OF hEr tErrIBly...
i Dun WaNNA gO iNto dEtAils...
THe aMOunt oF tORture thE gAl wOUld hAve wEnt tHRu...
aM JUZ HApPY THAt sHE HAs foUND thE riGht oNe nOW...
hOwever, BAck tO thE pOInt...
tHEre arE wOMen whO aRe tErrIBle...
bUt tO thE goOD ONEs...
tHey giVe uS thEir aLL...
aND gUYs nOWadAys jUSt MAke uSe oF thEm fOR tWo tHINgs...
mONey anD sEx...
i Am NOt rEfErrINg tO eVEry siNgle guY...
tHere aRE tHE goOD ONEs toO...
bUt thE yoUths nOWadAyS aRe GEttiNG BAd tO wORse...
lAdieS gO thRu sO MUCh oF PAin aND toRtuRe whEn thEy aRE bOrn tiLL tHEir dEatH...
THe BAsic thINg tHAt gUYs shOUld dO iS tO AT lEast rEspect tHEm...
sO tO aLL thE goOD fEmalEs whO HAve BEEn HuRt, dUn wORRy...
aND HAts OFF tO yoU LAdiEs...
CAuse yOU aRe rEal wiNNErs IN lIFe...
jUZ wAnNA aDd a fEw thAnkS tO a FEw wOMen wHO HAve PLAyed a bIg pArt iN mY lIFe:
mY mOm...
wIthOut HEr i wONt BE HEre...
tHanks sO MUch fOR uR cAre MOM...
aLWays lOVe yOu...
tHanks sO MUch fOR uR cAre MOM...
aLWays lOVe yOu...
tHE GAl wHO sHOwerEd ME wIth uNcoNDitiONAl LOVe, CArE anD coNcErn...
LOve YOu BAby...
tHE gAl wHO sHOwed mE thE tRue MEaniNg oF fRieNDshIP...
aND thE oNE whO sToOD bY mE thRuoUt tRoublEs...
tIme woNt sEpaRAte thE clOSenEss OF OUr fRiendShip
tHE GAl wHO iS anOTher BEsTIE tO ME...
a FRiendShip That wiLL NEver End...
dIDi sAyAng...
a GAl whO HAs TREasuRed ME sO MUch...
aND sHe reALlY MEans lOTs
tWo mORe tO gO...
a sISta wHo HAs aLSo shOwered mE wiTh afFEctIOn...
wILL NEver foRget HEr...
NAzi BAby...
tHe oNe wHo tElLs mE jOKes...
mAkes ME LAugh...
a nEver enDing smILiE FAce...
mOstly tREasuRed bY ME...
THEre aRE mORe...
bUt am TIred...
THe pOInt i am tRying tO BRing aCRoSS tO cErtAin MEn iS tHat...
pLEase gIve wOMen thE rEspeCt thEy dEseRve...
aND NEver MAke USe oF thEm...
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