Saturday, May 9, 2009

i lOVe mY mOthEr!!!!

hApPY mOther'S dAy tO alL mOther'S ouT tHEre...
thInkIn bOut mY mOther iS brinGiNg bAck lOAds OF MEmOries...
aNd JUz tO thInk oF wAd i HAve donE...
I FeeL A bIt aShAmeD oF mYSelf...
aNd i wOnder hOw mY mOther wOuld HAve bEEn abLe tO BEar mY nOnsEnsE...

lEt ME gO dOwn MEmory lAne...
IiKe wHEn i wAs fOur aNd mY sISter sTufFed BRead dOwn mY thRoat...
aND i cHOKed...
aNd mY MOm cAme tO mY resCue...
aT tHAt yoUng aGe mY mOther lOOked lIke a suPerwOman...

hOW abOut wHen i wAs fIve aNd mY mOm bRought ME tO a fUrniTure shOp...
mY mOm wAs suPPosed TO buY a cUshiOn...
aND tHInkINg THat shE bOught iT i cArrIed iT aLl tHe wAy HOme...

hOw bOut whEn yOu NEver fAiled tO cElEbRAte MY bIrthdAys...
gAve mE hOngbAos dUrin dEEpavAli...
bOught Me clOthes...
GAve ME sO MUch lOVe...
aNd sPEnt sO MUch fOR me...
NOthinG i dO cAn eveR mAke uP fOR alL tHat...

i KNow yOu weRe vEry diSapPOinted wiTh ME afTer i wEnt tO sEc tWo...
hOw yOu whAcked mE wiTh broOMsTIcks aND thREatEned mE wiTh a kNife...
HOwevEr yOur lOve wAs tHEre alL tHE sAme...
yOu HAve dONe sO mUch fOr mE...
ITs tIMe i dID soMEthiNg tO Make u pRoud...
aND i wiLL...

HApPY MOther's dAy MOm...
Evry mOm IS SpecIAl iN thEir owN wAy...
But tO ME...
YOu aRe mY sPEcial oNe...
the oNE i kNow i cAn reLy oN...
yOu wiLL be tHEre wItH mE foReVEr...
i lOVe yOU mom!!!