i dUNNo whY i aM GEtTIn sUCh a sTUpId fEElin...
bUT tHats hOW i fEEl...
i aM NEVer aBLe tO ORganISe aND pRioRiTISe thINgs...
iT JUz GEts tO MY HEad...
aND BEcAuse OF thIs i End uP pISsin evEry siNglE pErsOn oN eArth...
sHOUld dO soMEthINg abOut thIS...
tHAni iS oNCe aGAin vEry uPSet...
aND nOW i aM goIng tO a cHAlet...
sHE iS goNNA BE sO dISapPOinTEd...
sO sOrRy dEar...
aM GETTing sO iRRitAted wIth mY HOUSe...
EveryoNE IS jUZ sCreAmIn aT eAch oTHer...
i aM goIn mAd...
mISS mY fAmilY...
thOSe tiMEs...
wE wEre sO UNItEd...
hOPefuLLy a mIRaclE tAkEs pLAce...
bUT tHats hOW i fEEl...
i aM NEVer aBLe tO ORganISe aND pRioRiTISe thINgs...
iT JUz GEts tO MY HEad...
aND BEcAuse OF thIs i End uP pISsin evEry siNglE pErsOn oN eArth...
sHOUld dO soMEthINg abOut thIS...
tHAni iS oNCe aGAin vEry uPSet...
aND nOW i aM goIng tO a cHAlet...
sHE iS goNNA BE sO dISapPOinTEd...
sO sOrRy dEar...
aM GETTing sO iRRitAted wIth mY HOUSe...
EveryoNE IS jUZ sCreAmIn aT eAch oTHer...
i aM goIn mAd...
mISS mY fAmilY...
thOSe tiMEs...
wE wEre sO UNItEd...
hOPefuLLy a mIRaclE tAkEs pLAce...
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