HahA... HAd LOTsa fUn...
thE fIRst NITe i eNded uP at sAmUEl's PLAce cAuse i HAd tO coNviNCe hIS mOm tO lEt hIm coME foR wILd wiLD wEt..
In thE mORning ONCe wE haD oUr rISe anD shINe...
In thE mORning ONCe wE haD oUr rISe anD shINe...
aLL MAde OUR wAy tO PAsiR rIS...
thE sTArtIn iTSelf wAs BAd...
mIChElLE anD HEr gUY BRoke uP...
vICky's mOM gOT aDmITTEd...
aND stUFf lIKE thAt...
aND tO wORsEn thINgs wILd wILD wEt wAs cLOSed fOR fAmiLy dAy...
i wAs lIKE wAd thE fUCk...
eVEryONe wAs sO fUCked uP iN tHAt hOt wEAtHEr...
bUt thEn wE dEciDEd...
tO gO tO mIChElLE's cHAlet dRoP oUr thINgs aND gO tO THe BEach...
aND THAts eXactlY wAd wE dID...
wE JUZ thRew TAArshINi aND jIVi IN...
aND i HAd thE hONOur to PUCh viCky iNto thE wAter tOO...
wE HAd LoAds OF lAugHS...
aND thE rAin MAde US eVEn MORe HApPIEr...
wE sTArtEd BEhAvin lIKE soME lIL chILDren aND JUZ pLAyed anD pLAyed...
tHEn wE wEnt BAck tO mIcHElLE's cHAlEt...
tHEn bUNKEd iN iNto a roOm...
THEre wE sTArTEd JUmPIn oN toP OF Each oTHer anD MAde a bIg chAos...
iT wAs sO sUPEr fuN...
tHEn wE HAd a goOD dINNEr...
aND wE cONtiNUEd pLAyin...
thEn sAdly tAArshINI anD sAMuel hAd to LEave...
AfTEr thEy LEft...
wE wEnt tO eAt sAtAy
anD thEn wE sEttlEd tO dRink...
THAt wAs a sUPer BAd IDEa...
sAnGEETha gOt dRunk aND shE sTARtEd crYIn...
MIChElle bRoke doWn tOO...
aND vICky aND JIVi goT iNto a bIg fiGht thAt i dUN wAnnA mENtiOn...
IT wAs BAd...
REalLy BAd...
i dUNNO HOW IS JIVi goNNA lOOk aT vICky aNYMOre...
vICe VeRsa...
tHEn wE MAde OUR wAy BAck
aND VICky sTArTED thRowiN tAntRums And i gOt iNto a fiGht wiTh hIm...
thEn i gOt INto a bAd MOOD...
i REsPEct KUmaRAn a LOt fOR HAndlIng thE sITUatIOn VEry WelL...
tHen fiNAlLY i aND vICky goT a bIt Ok...
aND thEy wOKe mE uP IN thE MIDDLe OF thE nIGht...
fiNAlLy eVEryONE fEll asLEEp anD i wAs sO toUched thAt viCky actUAlLY pUt hIS bLAnKEt ON ME whEN i wAs sLEEPin anD pUt MY pILLOw pROPErly...
sO sWEEt...
eVEntuAlLY eVEryONE woKe uP...
aND wE sTARted pLAyin fuNEral gAmes...
THEn wE MEt BEcky anD Went tO oLD chANgi...
tHE thINGs thAt HAPPeNEd thEre...
HEad PAin...
thE mOSquITOs...
tHE cOld roOMs wE foUNd...
aND thE scAry uNIfORm...
iN thE eND wE ENjOYEd oURselVEs...
aND i wAs JUz a bIT sAd to LEavE...
bUt i wAs uPSet thAt i MAde MY BAby sO anGRy...
sORRY dEar...
nOw iTS fOTo tiME...
tHIS wAs sO toTAlLY cANdiD... bLAme thE idiOTs wHO toOK thIS pIc...
aFTEr a NICe BAth... LAzin ON tHE BEd...
THE POSer.... HAiyO
wE USed a tiMEr fOr thIS pIC...
tHanKS fOR thE pIC MIChElLE... BUt i lOOk sO sCREWEd...
ME aND MR. MOOdsWiNGs... HEhehE
a PIc fOR thE rOSe amOn thE thORns....
mY MOSt FAv pIc...
aND a rOMAntiC cOUPle IS foUND...
Oh MY gOD... I JUz LOVe thIS goDDaMn thINg... IT wAs sUcH a BAby...
tHE sEcuRity GUArd's UNifORm... cREEpy...
Oh mY gOD... thE tHIngs u fiNd thEre...
oCh... i LOVed yOu aND UR coLD rOOms...
aNothEr OCh eXit wAs foUnd... HEHEHE
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